Economic Development Commission

The Economic Development Commission consists of seven members who serve four-year staggered terms and meet as-needed.  

The Economic Development Commission will (1) advise the Village Board on the economic and community impact of potential developments, (2) Identify and assess underutilized properties to develop strategies for their highest and best use, (3) Encourage and support development within the Village in conjunction with existing corridor plans, land uses and the Village's development goals, (4) Investigate and recommend incentives to facilitate economic growth, (5) Maintain relationships with existing businesses and make recommendations to retain, enhance and market, (6) Receive direction from the Board of Trustees and provide feedback and recommendations, (7) Coordinate economic development outreach to surrounding units of local government.

  Economic Development Commission Members  

Member Term Expires
 Chair - Cuyler Brown  4/30/25 (Chair), 4/30/25 (Member)
 Katie Lowes  4/30/25
 Dorota Szerszenowicz  4/30/28
 Tim Brangle  4/30/25
 Rajendra Chiplunkar  4/30/25
 Laura Maychruk  4/30/28
 Carr Preston  4/30/28

Upcoming meetings

  1. Apr 2 Wed

    Economic Development Commission Meeting

    06::00PM, Village Hall - 400 Park Avenue - River Forest - IL - 1st Floor - Community Room

  2. May 7 Wed

    Economic Development Commission Meeting

    06::00PM, Village Hall - 400 Park Avenue - River Forest - IL - 1st Floor - Community Room

  3. Jun 4 Wed

    Economic Development Commission Meeting

    06::00PM, Village Hall - 400 Park Avenue - River Forest - IL - 1st Floor - Community Room

  4. Jul 2 Wed

    Economic Development Commission Meeting

    06::00PM, Village Hall - 400 Park Avenue - River Forest - IL - 1st Floor - Community Room

  5. Aug 6 Wed

    Economic Development Commission Meeting

    06::00PM, Village Hall - 400 Park Avenue - River Forest - IL - 1st Floor - Community Room

All Economic Development Commission upcoming meetings »