Village Board

The Village Board is the legislative and policy-making body of the Village and includes the Village President and six Trustees. The President and Trustees are elected at-large and serve staggered four year terms. The Village Board does not receive compensation.

The Village Board meets on the second and fourth Monday of each month for regular meetings and the third Monday of each month for a Committee of the Whole (workshop meeting) at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Room of Village Hall. See Agendas, Minutes, or Packets.

In May of 2023, the Village Board of Trustees adopted a "civility pledge" which was recently published by the Illinois Municipal League in light of increasing political divisons in the United States. The pledge was adopted to remind local goverment leaders about the importance of civility in effective community conversations.

The pledge reads:

“In the interest of civility, I pledge to promote civility by listening, being respectful of others acknowledging that we are all striving to support and improve our community and understanding that we each may have different ideas for achieving that objective.”

For additonal Informaiton on the pledge, please view this press release from the Illinois Muncipal League publsihed in April of 2023.

Do you need to ask a question or send a comment to the Village Board?

Contact the Village Board

Board Members

Catherine Adduci
Term expires 5/2025
Jonathan Keller
Village Clerk
Term Expires 5/2025
Kathleen "Katie" Brennan
Term Expires 5/2027
Erika Bachner
Term Expires 5/2027
Robert O'Connell
Term Expires 5/2027
Lisa Gillis
Term Expires 5/2025
Ken Johnson
Term Expires 5/2025
Respicio F. Vazquez
Term Expires 5/2025

Upcoming meetings

  1. Feb 24 Mon

    Village Board of Trustees Meeting

    07::00PM, Village Hall - 1st Floor - COMMUNITY ROOM - 400 Park Avenue - River Forest - IL

  2. Mar 10 Mon

    Village Board of Trustees Meeting

    07::00PM, Village Hall - 1st Floor - COMMUNITY ROOM - 400 Park Avenue - River Forest - IL

  3. Mar 24 Mon

    Village Board of Trustees Meeting

    07::00PM, Village Hall - 1st Floor - COMMUNITY ROOM - 400 Park Avenue - River Forest - IL

  4. Apr 14 Mon

    Village Board of Trustees Meeting

    07::00PM, Village Hall - 1st Floor - COMMUNITY ROOM - 400 Park Avenue - River Forest - IL

  5. Apr 28 Mon

    Village Board of Trustees Meeting

    07::00PM, Village Hall - 1st Floor - COMMUNITY ROOM - 400 Park Avenue - River Forest - IL

All Village Board upcoming meetings »