Zoning Board of Appeals

The Zoning Board of Appeals holds hearings and makes recommendations to the Village Board regarding applications for zoning variations, rezoning, zoning code text amendments, appeals and special use permits.

The Zoning Board meets on the Second Thursday of each month at 7:30pm in the Community Room of Village Hall.

Zoning Board of Appeals Members

 Member Term Expires

 Frank Martin, Chair

4/30/27 (Chair), Member (4/30/27)

 Gerry Dombrowski


 Corina Davis


 Chris Plywacz

 Sheila Price 4/30/28

 Ronald Lucchesi


 Mary Shoemaker


Upcoming meetings

  1. Mar 13 Thu

    Zoning Board of Appeals

    07::30PM, Village Hall - 1st Floor - COMMUNITY ROOM - 400 Park Avenue - River Forest - IL

    3 attachments

  2. Apr 10 Thu

    Zoning Board of Appeals

    07::30PM, Village Hall - 1st Floor - COMMUNITY ROOM - 400 Park Avenue - River Forest - IL

  3. May 8 Thu

    Zoning Board of Appeals

    07::30PM, Village Hall - 1st Floor - COMMUNITY ROOM - 400 Park Avenue - River Forest - IL

  4. Jun 12 Thu

    Zoning Board of Appeals

    07::30PM, Village Hall - 1st Floor - COMMUNITY ROOM - 400 Park Avenue - River Forest - IL

  5. Jul 3 Thu

    Zoning Board of Appeals

    07::30PM, Village Hall - 1st Floor - COMMUNITY ROOM - 400 Park Avenue - River Forest - IL

All Zoning Board of Appeals upcoming meetings »