Parking, commuting, traffic » Village Wide Traffic Study

Village Wide Traffic Study

Similar to work that was completed in the northeast corner of the Village, River Forest has also recently completed a traffic study of the entire Village to discover and discuss any specific areas that may warrant additional discussion and potential modifications. The following updates are intended to keep all interested residents informed of project progress as the discussion and analysis of this work continues:

Update (11/15/23) - The Village of River Forest has been working with Thomas Engineering Group (TEG) to complete a traffic study of the entire Village (notwithstanding the northeast corner, recently studied as part of a different project which can be found here). The goal is to collect as much relevant data as possible and to provide analysis for the Village’s Traffic and Safety Commission and Village Board so that appropriate actions can be taken, if necessary. As always, resident input is also a valued component of these discussions and to that end a public survey was also implemented on this project. At a Traffic and Safety Commission Meeting held on Wednesday, September 20, 2023, Staff from TEG presented a draft version of the Village-Wide Traffic Study to Traffic and Safety Commission for consideration. The study and individual components can be found below:

  1. Village-Wide Traffic Study (Full Document_11-13-23)
  2. Narrative and Analysis
  3. Two-Block Span Analysis
  4. Washington Boulevard Corridor Study
  5. Thatcher Avenue Speed Study
  6. Appendix A – Traffic Calming Toolbox
  7. Appendix B – Public Survey

*All other appendices and project components can be found in the “Village-Wide Traffic Study (Full Document_11-13-23)”

A copy of the presentation slides can be found here and narrative provided by TEG can also be found here.