Des Plaines River Trail Background

The Des Plaines River Trail is an improvement to the existing trail system, in an attempt to increase usability. The upgraded path will include various elevation changes, allowing its use for a greater period of time each year and will now connect each community on the trail down through River Forest to the Illinois Prairie Path. It is part of a larger, 10-mile multi-jurisdictional trail improvement project extending from Touhy Avenue in Park Ridge to the Illinois Prairie Path in Forest Park. The Des Plaines River Trail is a regional trail that provides alternative transportation and outdoor recreation opportunities for tens of thousands of users and has been identified by the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning’s (CMAP) Northeastern Illinois Regional Greenways and Trails Plan as regionally significant. However, persistent flooding has caused considerable deterioration and safety concerns and is negatively impacting users’ experience of the trail. While the northern portions of the trail have been completed, River Forest is one of the last segments that remains. The proposed project will enhance the trail’s safety and usability and transform the Des Plaines River Trail into a reliable asset for commuters, residents, and visitors. The regional significance of this project is reflected in the more than $1 million already invested on planning, community engagement, and Phase I engineering by the Forest Preserve District of Cook County, CMAP, the West Central Municipal Conference, Active Transportation Alliance, River Grove, Franklin Park, River Forest, Rosemont, Park Ridge, and Schiller Park. (Overall Trail Location Map)
Des Plaines River Trail – River Forest Segment
A group of six municipalities and other local government entities have been meeting in a cooperative effort concerning the improvement and development of more than ten (10) miles of the Des Plaines River Trail from Touhy Avenue in Park Ridge to the Prairie Path in Forest Park. To date Phase I Engineering has been paid by Surface Transportation Program (STP) Funds awarded by the North Central Council of Mayors with a Local Match as required. The Village of Rosemont has been designated the lead agency for this segment of the Trail. This project is currently in Phase I engineering with an Open house to be held with the public in River Forest on October 1, 2024 (Open House Flyer). Concept plans that will be presented for comment at the open house are linked here.

The Village of River Forest held a Community Meeting at Village Hall on October 1, 2024 between 6:00 and 8:00 p.m. The purpose of this meeting was to present the proposed improvement plans and provide an opportunity for public comment. Attendees had the opportunity to review exhibits, provide comments and meet with Village staff and project study team representatives on a one-on-one basis. A pdf of the exhibits are attached here. A summary of the meeting and frequently asked questions may be found here.
Project Schedule & Next Steps