Historic Preservation Commission Proposes Ordinance Change

October, 20, 2021


During their meeting on December 13, 2021, the Village Board of Trustees unanimously approved the ordinance change proposed by the Historic Preservation Commission to extend the maximum potential demolition delay for the PRI Public Recreational and Institutional zoned significant properties from six months to twelve months. To view that meeting, click here

A public meeting will be held by the Village of River Forest Historic Preservation Commission on Wednesday, November 10 at 7PM, at Village Hall and via Zoom, regarding a proposed change to the Village’s Historic Preservation ordinance. The change that is being proposed by the Historic Preservation Commission is to extend the maximum length of demolition delay from six months to twelve months only for significant properties that are zoned in the PRI Public, Recreational and Institutional District. A list of the properties that would be subject to this change can be found below. Owners of these properties will receive a mailing directly to notify them of this proposed change. All are welcome to attend this public meeting to learn more and or provide comments on this proposed change. 

Click here for full meeting information.

This change is being proposed by the Historic Preservation Commission in order to better align the Village’s expectations that (due to the relative sizes, uses and locations) proposed development and or re-development of historically significant properties zoned PRI would more likely include multiple parties, as well as require more time for the community, buyers and sellers to assess potential alternatives to demolition.  Such proposals would likely require additional time to review because of a greater variety and complexity of potential uses than significant properties that are zoned as residential or commercial.  As a result, up to an additional six months of demolition delay (for a total of twelve months) could be needed to evaluate such options in appropriate cases.

As is provided in the current Village Code for the six month maximum demolition delay, the twelve month maximum demolition delay would be calculated from the date that a completed application for a Certificate of Appropriateness is received by the Village. The proposed twelve month delay for any such significant property that is zoned PRI would be a maximum. The Historic Preservation Commission could also issue a Certificate of Appropriateness or a delay less than the maximum. As is the case currently, any demolition delay decision would still be appealable to the Village Board of Trustees for their review and consideration.

Significant Properties Zoned PRI




Washington Square Park


Washington + Forest, Washington Square Park

Washington Triangle Park


Washington + Park, Washington Triangle Park

Willard Elementary School, D90


Ashland Avenue

Addison Hall at Concordia University


Augusta Street, Concordia University, Addison Hall

Village of River Forest Pumping Station


Berkshire Street

Train Depot, and Park District Headquarters


Central Street  Metra Train Station

Dominican University Priory Campus


Division Street

Grace Lutheran Church


Division Street

Trinity High School


Division Street

Mazzuchelli Hall at Dominican University


Division Street, Mazzuchelli Hall

Lewis Memorial Hall at Dominican University


Division Street, Lewis Memorial Hall

Power Memorial Hall at Dominican University


Division Street, Power Memorial Hall

Grotto at Dominican University


Division Street, Grotto

Christ Episcopal Church


Franklin Avenue

Cook County Forest Preserve Offices


Harlem Avenue

Temple Har Zion


Harlem Avenue

St. Luke's Parish Church


Lake Street, St. Luke's Parish Church

St. Luke's Parish School


Lake Street, St. Luke's Parish School

St. Luke's Parish Rectory


Lake Street, St. Luke's Parish Rectory

District 90 Administration Building


Lake Street

River Forest Methodist Church


Lake Street

Edmund Cummings Memorial, Cummings Bandshell, in Cook County Forest preserve property at NW corner of Lake and Harlem


Lake Street - Edmund Cummings Memorial

Waller Gates, entrance to 500 block of Auvergne


Lake Street - Waller Gates

River Forest Tennis Club


Lathrop Avenue

River Forest Public Library


Lathrop Avenue

St. Vincent Ferrer Church


North Avenue

Roosevelt Middle School, D90


Oak Street

First Presbyterian Church


Quick Avenue

Trailside Museum


Thatcher Avenue

Proposed changes to Title 13, Historic Preservation, of the Village Code are as follows, noted in bold. The below sections represent the impacted and relevant section of Title 13, Historic Preservation, of the Village Code.


  1. Demolition of a significant property as designated on the significant properties survey shall be delayed for a period of not more than six months for significant properties that are not zoned in the PRI Public, Recreational and Institutional District, and not more than twelve (12) months for significant properties that are zoned in the PRI Public, Recreational and Institutional District, following the Commission’s receipt of an application to the Village for a demolition permit and a public hearing regarding the issuance of a certificate of appropriateness for such proposed demolition shall be held pursuant to Section 13-1-8(B) of this Chapter.


  1. Procedures: Public hearings regarding applications made pursuant to Sections 13-1-4through 13-1-6of this Chapter shall be heard in accordance with the following procedures:
  2. Findings by the Commission: The Commission shall review all evidence and (as applicable), either

 (d) withhold a certificate of appropriateness for the demolition of a property listed on the Village survey of architecturally or historically significant properties and, in such event, issue a certificate of demolition delay for a period of not more than six (6) months for significant properties that are not zoned in the PRI Public, Recreational and Institutional District, and not more than twelve (12) months for significant properties that are zoned in the PRI Public, Recreational and Institutional District, following the filing of an application for a demolition permit with the Village.

Click here to view a flow chart that represents the current procedure for demolition of a significant property with the proposed change called out in red.

Anyone with questions regarding the proposed change or public meeting should contact Jon Pape, Assistant to the Village Administrator and Historic Preservation Commission Staff Liaison at jpape@vrf.us or 708-714-3563.