UPDATE: March 7, 2021 8:52 PM
The Village is aware of and following the developments regarding the updated eligibility for suburban Cook County residents to register for COVID-19 vaccines at a federal vaccination center at the United Center in Chicago. More information will be posted and distributed as soon as it is available.
In its March 5 newsletter, the Village reported to residents the information it had been provided at the time regarding the new vaccination site at the United Center. Earlier today, news outlets reported that additional guidance was received from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. As a result, Cook County and State of Illinois officials have changed eligibility requirements for appointments at the United Center’s mass vaccination site. According to Cook County, “To ensure equitable access by suburban cook county residents, Cook County has been allocated appointment slots at the United Center. Cook County will announce the process of scheduling those appointments in the coming days through the news media and this website.”
River Forest residents can find more vaccine resources by clicking here.

Thank you for taking the time to read the Village's E-News. These messages are sent approximately once per month and include timely information regarding Village events, news and other useful information. We strive to keep the content brief and relevant to the issues that matter most to the community.
Message from the Village President

Dear River Forest Residents,
I am pleased to report that through the Village’s partnership with Jewel/Osco and School District 90, approximately 700 seniors were able to receive the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine during two separate vaccination events here in River Forest. The United Center in Chicago will be a new vaccination site starting Tuesday, March 9 and will be administering the Pfizer vaccine via a combination of walk-up and drive-through services. Seniors 65 and over can register now for an appointment at Zocdoc.com/vaccine or by calling (312) 746-4835 Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Starting Sunday, March 7 at 4 p.m., individuals in Phase 1b+ (people ages 16-64 with disabilities or underlying health conditions - click the link above for more information) can register for an appointment at this vaccination site. For more on vaccine availability, locations, and eligibility, visit https://coronavirus.illinois.gov/s/. The CDC has also launched a new web page where you can find vaccination sites close to home by entering your zip code. Triton College in River Grove is one of the closer vaccine locations to River Forest. If you have not yet registered to receive the vaccine, you can do so here. The Village will continue to share information about vaccine availability and distribution as it becomes available.
For questions about the COVID-19 vaccine, review the resources below and contact your primary care physician. You can also call the River Forest COVID-19 Senior Response Team at (708) 613-1642 or Village Hall at (708) 366-8500 during business hours, Monday through Friday 8 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.
Both the IDPH and CCDPH have provided portals containing vaccination data to monitor progress of the vaccine administration.
COVID-19 Cases in River Forest
Between Sunday, February 21 and Saturday, February 27, River Forest had nine new positive cases and 339 tests completed, resulting in a 2.7% positivity rate. The week before from Sunday, February 14 to Saturday, February 20, there were 20 new positive cases and 290 tests completed, resulting in a 6.9% positivity rate. Updates on COVID-19 cases throughout the state by zip code can be found here.
To align with our goal of transparency and openness, I invite any resident who would like to get involved in the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Ad Hoc Advisory Group to complete an application by March 24, here. This group will work together to ensure we are encouraging community participation and engagement by removing barriers that may exist, in order to achieve a welcoming environment that will build trust and strengthen our community. This group will be co-led by Village Trustee Erika Bachner and Acting Village Administrator Lisa Scheiner.
Smart City Technology
To continually enhance customer service and streamline Village operations, the Village continues to investigate, and invest in smart technology. Included in the FY 22-26 Capital Improvement Plan is the installation of automated metering infrastructure (AMI) technology throughout the Village. All water meters will be upgraded with state-of-art equipment to enable remote meter readings, which will eliminate the need for Village Staff to drive around the community to conduct manual readings - reducing hours spent performing this task as well as the carbon footprint. Once this project is completed, customers will be able to obtain real-time information about their water consumption. The new system will also help to identify any irregularities in water usage, including leaks and other situations that lead to water loss.
River Forest Supper Club
From March 14 through April 1, River Forest Supper Club will provide fully prepared family meals to be picked up on Thursdays between 4 – 6 p.m. at the River Forest Public Works Garage. Featured restaurants will include Star’s BBQ (3/18), Avec Rotisserie (3/25) and PQM (4/1) Click here for more information and to place your order!
Business Spotlights
Dr. Novick of Novick Orthodontics treats children, adolescents, and adults. The practice offers a wide variety of treatment options, including traditional metal braces, clear braces, Damon braces, Incognito (lingual braces), and Invisalign. Dr. Novick will work with you to identify solutions that are perfect for your concerns, and is focused on building lasting relationships while creating beautiful, lasting smiles.
Lake & Thatcher Auto Repair offers automotive and light truck repair services, in addition to quality tires to River Forest and the surrounding areas. The location provides honest and trustworthy car and light truck repair services, and their friendly staff can expertly handle different makes and models. The Lake & Thatcher Auto Repair Team will help you get back on the road quickly.
River Forest Animal Hospital is a full-service companion animal hospital providing comprehensive medical, surgical, and dental care. Services and facilities are designed to assist in routine preventive care for young, healthy pets, as well as early detection and treatment of diseases in senior animals. They treat your pet when he or she is not feeling well, and also help you learn how to keep your best friend happy and healthy.
Shop River Forest
Please support our local businesses whenever possible! You can find a listing of River Forest businesses on the Village’s website here. Don't see a River Forest business listed on the Shop River Forest Page? Reach out and let us know! Or do you want your business to be featured? Email info@vrf.us.

Cathy Adduci
Village President
Consolidated Election
The General Consolidated Election is April 6, 2021. For more information about early voting, finding your polling place, and registering to vote, visit vrf.us/Voting.
Traffic and Safety
The Traffic and Safety Commission will hold a regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, March 17 to discuss various traffic-related concerns. One agenda item involves Greenfield and Lemoyne Streets at their intersections with Harlem Avenue. Due to safety concerns at these locations, a restriction has been proposed to require right-hand turns only (from eastbound to southbound) from 7 - 9 a.m. and again between from 4 – 6 p.m. These proposed restrictions will be discussed at the meeting, and all members of the public are welcome to participate and provide feedback. Details for the meeting can be found here.
River Forest Police Department
St. Patrick’s Day Enforcement Campaign
St. Patrick’s Day is just around the corner, and the River Forest Police Department is reminding motorists to plan ahead for a sober ride home to keep celebrations from turning deadly. Click here for more information about the upcoming enforcement campaign and important safety tips. Please also remember to practice safe social distancing due to the ongoing pandemic while enjoying the holiday.
Vacation Watch
Spring Break kicks off in a few weeks, and if you are heading out of town due to relaxed travel restrictions, consider reaching out to the Police Department to schedule a vacation watch. Call the non-emergency Police Department number at (708) 366-7125.
River Forest Fire Department
The Fire Department reminds us that March is Severe Weather Preparedness Month. The Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) and the National Weather Service (NWS) have teamed up to publish a Severe Weather Preparedness Guide to help our residents to be prepared when severe weather strikes. Click here to learn more and to help ensure you and your family stay safe during severe weather
Village of River Forest Healthy Lawn / Healthy Family Program
Spring is right around the corner! As the weather gets warmer and we all start thinking about lawns and gardens after a hard winter, please take note of the River Forest Healthy Lawn, Healthy Family Initiative. If you take the pledge, you will join many River Forest residents who have made the commitment to a sustainable and resilient lawn. In doing so, you will contribute to a healthier environment for your family, pets, insect pollinators and the Des Plaines River. You will also receive our very special "Keep ON the Grass" lawn sign to show your commitment.

Village Sponsors "The Nature Makers" Film at One Earth Film Festival
If you have not yet participated in this film festival now in its 10th year, please check out their offerings, and in particular, the film the village is sponsoring.
“The Nature Makers” is a moving portrait of passionate people and the extraordinary creatures they’re fighting to preserve. In a world increasingly dominated by humans, three teams of wildlife conservationists go to seemingly unnatural lengths to try to save threatened species and habitat in the American heartland. Stunningly photographed in the Grand Canyon and on the American prairie, “The Nature Makers” follows rugged biologists who’ve deployed helicopters, giant bulldozers, and a host of human tools to defend wild nature. In the 21st century, defending the wild often requires, quite paradoxically, technology and aggressive human intervention.
Kindergarten Registration
D90 continues kindergarten registration for children who turn five years of age on or before September 1. D90 is now processing all kindergarten registrations electronically. All families registering students must make an appointment to speak with District Registrar Josephine Ribaudo to begin the registration process. Appointments can be made via email to ribaudoj@district90.org or by calling (708) 771-8282. During your telephone appointment, the online process will be explained, and you will get an individual link for your student(s). For additional information about registering for Kindergarten in D90, click here. The first day of school for students is Wednesday, August 25.

Summer Camp Registration
The River Forest Park District Summer Camp registration begins Monday, March 8 for residents. There are a variety of camps available throughout the season. Join one or many! For details, view the Summer Camp Fun Guide here.
River Forest Leprechaun Hunt
Catch the Leprechaun who has been spotted running through River Forest! Join the River Forest Park District, River Forest Public Library, and Trailside Museum for a St. Patrick's Day story hunt around the community. Solve clues to take you to the next location to help us catch the leprechaun. For details and to join the fun, click here.
The River Forest Public Library is open to the public in a limited capacity. Visit riverforestlibrary.org to find out about everything that is happening!

New: Magazines for everyone!
Magazines are now available on Libby/Overdrive app! More than 3,000 magazines are instantly available with no holds or limits. Just tap explore in your Libby app to find magazines. Magazines are also available on Fllipster.
Candidate Forums for River Forest Municipal Election
Join the library for the following candidate forums for the April 6 Election, offered in partnership with The League of Women Voters of Oak Park & River Forest:
Individuals interested in attending one of the above forums should click on the link(s) above to register.
Due to COVID-19 all exemptions will automatically renew for only the year 2020. Exemptions count toward the second installment property tax payment. This includes: Homeowners, Senior, Senior Freeze, Disabled Veterans and Disabled. Homeowners who turn 66 years of age in the year 2021 will need to file for a Senior Prime exemption. Forms are available here. Call (708) 366-2787 for help in filing an exemption. First installment tax bills are available online. First installment tax bills are estimated tax bills. They are 55% of the total amount paid in the previous year. Due to COVID-19, both the 1st and 2nd installment tax bills will have a 2-month penalty-free grace period in the payment schedule.
Many in-person Township services and programs have been moved to a virtual platform. To learn more click here, visit the River Forest Community Calendar or email Supervisor Carla Sloan at supervisor@riverforesttownship.org.
FRED Parent Support Group Launches Website
FRED is a free and independent peer support group, based in Oak Park and River Forest, for parents and caregivers of children, teens, and young adults with mental illness. FRED empowers parents to navigate the mental health system and advocate for their children and offers shared knowledge and the support of other parents who understand; all parents are welcome. FRED has just launched its new website (supported by a grant from River Forest Township) that offers a wealth of helpful resources to parents. FRED meets on Zoom the first Tuesdays, 7-8:30 p.m., and third Tuesdays from noon-1:30 p.m., and is led by trained parent volunteers. To join or learn more, visit the website or email fredparents@gmail.com.
Township Seeks Mental Health Administrator
River Forest Township is seeking a new Mental Health Administrator. The position oversees the Township’s funding of and participation in programs and services related to mental health and developmental/intellectual disabilities. Please contact Supervisor Carla Sloan, cbsloan.rftownship@gmail.com with questions or interest.
Virtual “Parent University” for Mental Wellness March 24
The D200 Mental Wellness Collaborative, which includes River Forest Township, is hosting a virtual Parent University, Wednesday, March 24, 6:30 - 8:30 pm on zoom. Parents will choose 3 workshops from 6 topic options…all are about supporting your teen. Hear from experts in the fields of mental health and wellness. Learn practical tips and help your child finish the school year strong. Parents of D200, D97 and D90 and private school students are all welcome. Registration is required in advance; the link will be posted on the OPRF website, www.oprfhs.org.
Still looking for more River Forest info? Click below.
River Forest Community Calendar – RFHappenings.com
Village of River Forest
River Forest School District 90
OPRF High School District 200
River Forest Park District
River Forest Public Library
River Forest Township