A Special E-News Message from the Village President, Catherine M. Adduci
January 25, 2021
Dear River Forest Residents,
COVID-19 Vaccine
The Cook County Department of Public Health (CCDPH) has shared a NEW vaccination registration form for the COVID-19 Community Vaccination Program. Residents should visit vaccine.cookcountyil.gov to sign-up now. If you have trouble accessing the website, please try using a different internet browser.
Residents may also call CCDPH’s Vaccine Sign-up Hotline at 833-308-1988, Monday - Friday from 7am-7pm.
On this site, you can sign up for COVID-19 updates and information to schedule an appointment when administration expands to your phase. Providing all the information requested will ensure that you are notified properly as the program expands.
Sign up to receive:
- Updates on the vaccine and the Community Vaccination Program
- Notification for when vaccine administration is open to your phase
- Information on scheduling a vaccine appointment through Cook County Health
- Information on vaccine distribution locations throughout Cook County
Please note that this is a NEW form from Cook County, different from a previous form that I have shared with you. Residents who completed the old form must also fill out this form. This new form will ask questions to help determine what vaccine phase you are eligible for and ensure that you are notified as the program expands. Residents are also encouraged to consult with their primary care physician regarding receiving the vaccine.
Cook County is currently in Phase 1B which includes individuals 65 and over and front line essential workers. Vaccine supply is still extremely limited at this time and residents are asked to be patient. The distribution of the COVID-19 vaccination will be done in a phased approach as vaccine supply is available and using guidance from local, state and national public health authorities. Please note that vaccines are available by appointment only and that only people in Phase 1A and Phase 1B will be able to make an appointment at this time.
CCDPH plans to provide some vaccination directly to residents, but most will be administered through partners, such as hospitals, other healthcare facilities (e.g. clinics, nursing homes, etc.) and retail pharmacies.
If you know of someone who needs assistance in signing-up, especially those in Phase 1A and 1B or if you have questions about the COVID-19 vaccine, first contact your primary care physician. You may also call the River Forest COVID-19 Senior Response Team at 708-613-1642 or Village Hall at 708-366-8500 during business hours, Monday through Friday 8am-4:30pm.
Both the IDPH and CCDPH have provided new portals containing vaccination data to monitor progress of the vaccine administration.

Catherine M. Adduci, Village President
Village of River Forest
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