A Special E-News Message from the Village President, Catherine M. Adduci
December 30, 2020
Dear River Forest Residents,
COVID-19 Update
Village of River Forest firefighter paramedics have begun to receive the COVID-19 vaccination this week. These health care personnel meet the criteria of Phase 1a in the State of Illinois and Cook County Department of Public Health COVID-19 Vaccination Plan.
The Cook County Department of Public Health (CCDPH), which has jurisdiction of River Forest, has issued Vaccine Distribution information, in conjunction with the State’s Department of Public Health plan. CCDPH receives doses from the Illinois Department of Public Health, which receives doses from the federal distribution. The vaccination plan requires a phased approach as the doses are limited and prioritization is necessary. As more information about dose quantities and shipments become available, a timeline and greater detail for the distribution plan will be made available.
CCDPH plans to provide some direct vaccinations, but most will be administered by partners, such as hospitals, other healthcare facilities (e.g. clinics, nursing homes, etc.) and retail pharmacies per federal contracts. At this time, we are still in Phase 1a which focuses on health care workers (particularly those who treat COVID patients) and residents and staff at long-term care facilities. Future phases are still pending final recommendations from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) but are expected to include; 1b - essential workers, including first responders, corrections officers, education sector, food and agriculture, utilities, transportation, and 1c - High risk adults.

Residents are also encouraged to check the Illinois Department of Public Health’s FAQ or contact their primary care physicians for questions about the vaccine. On Monday, the Village hopes to get more information from CCDPH and will pass on any new information as soon as it is available.
Please continue to follow public health protocols: Wear a mask, social distance, and wash your hands. Between Sunday, December 20, and Saturday, December 26, River Forest had 23 new positive cases; 393 tests were completed, resulting in a positivity rate of 5.9%. The week before, from Sunday, December 13, to Saturday, December 19, there were 26 new positive cases of COVID-19; 356 tests were completed, resulting in a positivity rate of 7.3%. For more on COVID-19 data, please read a previous COVID-19 Update by clicking here.
The Village will continue to update you on COVID-19 case data. Residents can also view this by visiting the following sources:
Please remember that Governor Pritzker and the Illinois Department of Public Health’s (IDPH) Tier 3 resurgence mitigations are still in effect. Click here for the complete list of Tier 3 Resurgence Mitigation requirements.
Please remember that our River Forest COVID-19 Senior Response Team is still available! Please call 708-613-1642 for any assistance you need, such as grocery shopping, pharmacy pick-up, dog walking, library returns or pickups, snow removal and other non-direct contact needs.
Light up the Night Shout-out
Thanks to local Kiwanis Club volunteers, especially Tom and Lorrie Michael, Key Club youth leader Molly Morrissey, and the generous sponsorship of Donna Slepicka from River Forest Chocolates for helping to support the Light Up the Night event on December 19th. It was lovely for our entire community and I know many people are already looking forward to next year!
Shop River Forest
If you are able, please consider supporting local businesses. Shop local and help support our restaurants and businesses during these difficult times, especially through Takeout 25 Oak Park, a local campaign geared toward getting commitment from residents to spend $25 each week on takeout from local restaurants through the winter months.
Business Spotlight:
- Bertolli’s Pizza and Frank’s Deli - A River Forest staple since 1981, Bertolli’s Pizza and Frank’s Deli are serving up home-style cooking that you are sure to love. Check out their legendary pizza, Italian specialties, and sandwiches. Perfect for delivery or takeout!
- 4U Hair & Spa - 4U Hair & Spa specializes in creating personal experiences, offering relaxing and rejuvenating body treatments from trained medical estheticians. Visit their website today or call 708-689-0195 to learn more about the services and products they offer.
- ChiBrowtique - One of River Forest’s newest businesses, ChiBrowtique is located on North Avenue and offers microblading, powder brows, and hybrid brows. Help welcome them to town by booking through their website today!
For more River Forest businesses, visit the Shop River Forest page of our website at vrf.us/ShopRF. Don't see a River Forest business listed on the Shop River Forest page? Want your business to be featured? Email info@vrf.us.
Toy Drive a Great Success
Thank you to everyone who donated to the Toy Drive organized by Athletic Konnection in collaboration with the Village of Maywood and Village of River Forest! The event was a great success due to the generosity of so many residents who were able to help families in need during the holidays, even during a pandemic.
Snow Removal
Please do your part to be a good neighbor - especially during snow events. Remember to:
- Help others - if you are able, lend a hand in helping your neighbors shovel snow, especially if they are elderly or in need.
- Shovel the sidewalk - Village code requires residents and business owners to remove snow and ice from sidewalks in front of and adjacent to their property within 24 hours after an event. Snow or ice frozen on sidewalks that cannot be removed without injury to the pavement should be treated with an abrasive material until weather permits further clean-up.
- Not park on the street - parking is not permitted on any Village street after two inches of snow or more has accumulated on the street, and for up to eight hours after the snowfall ends, to allow snow plows to safely clear the street.
- Shovel hydrants - if you have a fire hydrant near your home, help first responders by clearing snow to make sure that they have a clear path.
- Don’t dump snow in streets, alleys, or sidewalks - The placement of snow or ice on any Village owned street, alley or sidewalk is prohibited.
The Village’s dedicated Public Works team works hard to keep Village streets and alleys clear. Check out this short video demonstrating a new piece of equipment they use to de-ice streets.

Village Hall Closures & Garbage Pick Up
Village Hall will be closed Friday, 1/1/21. Please note garbage pick up will not be affected by the New Year holiday.
Please have a safe and happy New Year!

Catherine M. Adduci, Village President
Village of River Forest
Village of River Forest
River Forest School District 90
River Forest Park District
River Forest Public Library
River Forest Township
River Forest Community Center
River Forest School District 200
Still looking for more River Forest info? Click below.
River Forest Community Calendar – RFHappenings.com
Village of River Forest
River Forest School District 90
OPRF High School District 200
River Forest Park District
River Forest Public Library
River Forest Township