A Special E-News Message from the Village President, Catherine M. Adduci
November 12, 2020
Dear River Forest Residents,
COVID-19 Update
Cook County Department of Public Health data shows that 26 new positive cases of COVID-19 were reported in River Forest last week, from Sunday, November 1 through Saturday, November 7 compared to 24 cases that were reported the previous week. Click here and select “Case Data by Town” to see an update on the cases in River Forest.
As a community, we must remember to support efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19. Please continue to wear face coverings, practice social distancing and wash your hands. Stay home if you are sick and avoid gatherings. Follow the mitigation measures put in place by Governor Pritzker and the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) at all times.
Yesterday, Governor Pritzker and the IDPH recommended that for the next three weeks, Illinoisans stay home as much as possible and only go out when needed - such as for groceries, for pharmacy pick-up, if you cannot work from home, or other essential errands. Additional mitigation measures have already been issued in Illinois counties other than Cook that, amongst other measures, limit gatherings to 10 people (currently 25 in Cook County). Cook County could face these restrictions in the future if COVID-19 cases are not controlled.
For more information on testing locations and contact tracing, please read a previous COVID-19 update by clicking here. Please remember that our River Forest COVID-19 Senior Response Team is still available! Please call 708-613-1642 for any assistance you need.

Rapid COVID-19 Testing to be Offered in River Forest
Rapid testing for COVID-19 will be offered at First Presbyterian Church of River Forest on Wednesday, November 18 and Saturday, November 21. This event is being administered by Covid Concierge, a Division of Event Medical Solutions, the company that provides medical services for events such as Chicago’s Lollapalooza and the Chicago Bears, in partnership with First Presbyterian Church. All tests require pre-registration and cost $175, payable by cash or credit card. A receipt will be provided that you may submit to your insurance company. The rapid test results will be emailed to you in 2-3 hours. Click here to register.
Testing will take place at the First Presbyterian parking lot, located at 7551 Quick Avenue (corner of Quick Avenue and Jackson Avenue). Please enter from Jackson Avenue (opposite of the normal traffic flow off Lathrop Avenue).
While the testing at this event is not free, we are sharing the information as it may be a convenient option for our residents. For information about other testing options, including free tests, click here.
Pumpkin Smash A Smashing Success
Thank you to everyone who participated in our annual River Forest Pumpkin Smash this past Saturday. I am proud to report that we surpassed our Pumpkin Smash record. 805 pumpkins were smashed in 2020, compared to just 512 in 2019! We had a beautiful day for the event and are glad more residents took advantage of the program this year. The event diverts waste from landfills by composting the dropped off pumpkins. A special thank you goes out to Sustainability Commissioner Lauren Behan and her family for picking up pumpkins curbside around the Village to contribute to our smash.
Stormwater Master Plan Community Meeting
The Village of River Forest is working with residents to address stormwater issues in the community. The Village is hosting a virtual meeting to discuss the proposed Stormwater Master Plan (SMP) on Monday, 11/16 at 6:00PM. Though an engineering consultant has not yet been selected, the intent of this meeting is to hear from the residents about stormwater and flooding concerns that they would like to have included for study in the SMP. This meeting is open to the public for questions and comments. Click here for the Zoom link and SMP materials.
Thanksgiving During COVID-19 & Overnight Parking
If your household chooses to spend the Thanksgiving holiday this year with extended family, please be sure to review the Illinois Department of Public Health Holiday Season Safety Tips. The COVID-19 resurgence mitigation measures are still in effect. Continuing to social distance, wear masks, and wash hands is imperative to having a safe holiday season.
For questions about where your guests can park, contact the Police Records division Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM for answers: 708-366-8500 x 345 or use our 24/7 non-emergency line to call for permission to park a vehicle on the street overnight: 708-366-7125. Please stop by the Village Hall for a free refrigerator magnet that keeps parking and other important contact information within reach.
The Overnight Parking Ban will be lifted from Tuesday, 11/24/20 (12:01 AM) through Monday, 11/30/20 (9:00 AM). No overnight waivers will be required during this period.
Reminder - parking is not permitted on any Village street after two inches of snow or more has accumulated on the street, and for up to eight hours after the snowfall ends, to allow snow plows to safely clear the street.
Thrive partners with first responders to de-escalate crises and keep everyone safe
Safety is the first priority when someone in the community experiences a mental health or family emergency. Thrive Counseling Center partners with Oak Park and River Forest Police Departments to de-escalate crises, evaluate risk of harm, and recommend appropriate care. Thrive’s Crisis Team, consisting of Masters-level clinicians, assists when someone is at risk or experiences other psychiatric or behavioral health emergency. Calls come in through Thrive’s Crisis line or 911 dispatch, and the crisis team responds to approximately 600 calls per year.
River Forest Police Chief James O’Shea said, “The River Forest Police Department relies on Thrive Counseling Center for 24/7 access to professional counselors. We work with Thrive as co-responders to guide in-crisis residents and their families to a safe and favorable outcome, and to utilize this resource when a potential mental health crisis situation is in the onset. Thrive works in concert with officers to assist with the mediation of domestic disputes.” In addition, Chief O’Shea stated, “Mental health calls for service are among the most complex and can be time-consuming for officers, Thrive allows officers to be safer, reduce repeat calls for service, minimize the strain on agency resources, and connect people with mental illnesses to services.” During the COVID-19 pandemic, the River Forest Police Department and the individuals in crisis have been able to communicate with Thrive therapists by phone or video chat.
When a loved one is in a mental health crisis, the hardest call to make is often the one that summons help. Typically, a family member calls because they fear the person in crisis or someone else could be hurt.
Crisis clinicians are trained to evaluate a person experiencing an emergency and determine the most appropriate care, ranging from therapy to intensive outpatient treatment or hospitalization, according to Thrive Crisis Team Manager Elaine Phillips. The team assists individuals struggling with a wide variety of mental health issues. These include feelings of hopelessness and isolation, severe anxiety or psychosis, suicidal ideation, substance abuse concerns, and family disputes. At times, Thrive counselors are called upon to help individuals who are physically aggressive or trespassing.
“The partnership keeps everyone safe,” Phillips said. “Our job is to connect with the person who is going through a difficult time,” Phillips said. “We let people know that we just want to help. That goes for the family and the person going through crisis. Usually, they just want to be heard.”
Community members can obtain crisis services by calling Thrive at 708-383-7500, or by dialing 911. Crisis services are available around the clock, 365 days a year.
Traffic and Safety Commission Meeting
The Village’s Traffic and Safety Commission will meet on Wednesday, November 18 at 7:30PM to discuss the Village’s Safe Walking Routes to Schools Project, which was approved and implemented in 2019. This discussion was planned during the project’s initial approval as a one year evaluation of the changes that were made. The discussion will include those locations where modifications to the implemented improvements or identified “safe routes” have been requested. Click here for the agenda materials and Zoom link.
Please be safe and stay healthy.

Catherine M. Adduci, Village President
Village of River Forest
Village of River Forest
River Forest School District 90
River Forest Park District
River Forest Public Library
River Forest Township
River Forest Community Center
River Forest School District 200
Still looking for more River Forest info? Click below.
River Forest Community Calendar – RFHappenings.com
Village of River Forest
River Forest School District 90
OPRF High School District 200
River Forest Park District
River Forest Public Library
River Forest Township