A Special E-News Message from the Village President, Catherine M. Adduci
September 17, 2020
Dear River Forest Residents,
COVID-19 Update
Our River Forest community depends on all of its residents to live safely. Please take this responsibility seriously. Wear a mask, and only host safe, socially distanced gatherings. These small steps are vital for the health of us all.
Click here and select “Case Data by Town” to see an update on the cases in River Forest.
River Forest COVID-19 Senior Response Team is still available! Please call 708-613-1642 for any assistance you need. Please remember to help care for our senior community members. If you have an elderly neighbor, give them a call to check in on them.
Keep your eyes out for our message to the River Forest community to play, learn, live and shop safely. We started this effort when we launched our series of videos of “Shop River Forest - we’ve got you covered”. We will be working collectively and collaboratively with other River Forest government agencies and community institutions to emphasize our continued message. You should begin seeing these images throughout our community soon.

Finally, please watch the below video featuring pictures from River Forest through the pandemic. I am so grateful for the support and hope that is ever present in our community.

River Forest Supper Club
I am thrilled to announce that the One Off Hospitality Group will be offering our community a subscription of three family meals from their most celebrated restaurants later this month: Pacific Standard Time on September 24, avec on October 1, and The Publican on October 8. Meal pick-up will be on those dates between 4:30 - 6:30pm at the River Forest train station. All orders must be placed by September 22. Click here for more information and to purchase a subscription to enjoy some nights off from cooking!
USPS Appreciation Day
River Forest residents have designated Monday, October 5 as a day to give a collective “Thank You” to USPS essential workers who have tirelessly served our community throughout the pandemic. Residents can participate by chalking sidewalks, making homemade cards, putting signs on their mailboxes, or even giving their carriers a small gift. Let’s join together on October 5 to let them know how much we appreciate all they do for us!
Senior Snow Removal Program
The Village is accepting applications for the Snow Removal Program this winter for eligible senior citizens 65 years of age and older and residents with disabilities. Seniors who qualify for a senior freeze property tax exemption or other financial or unique hardship are eligible for this program. This program will assist eligible residents with snow removal from the public sidewalks and front pathways to their homes. For more details and to apply, see the application form. Completed forms can be mailed, dropped in the green drop-box outside Village Hall or sent via email. Residents are encouraged to submit applications by October 15.
Hazardous Waste Collection
The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency offers hazardous household waste collections throughout the year at nearby facilities in Naperville and Chicago. These collections provide residents an opportunity to safely dispose of unused or leftover household products (such as chemical cleaners, oil-based paints, or vehicle fluids) at no cost. Please do not pour these types of items down your drains at home.
I would like to wish our Jewish friends and neighbors a warm and peaceful New Year.

Catherine M. Adduci, Village President
Village of River Forest
Village of River Forest
River Forest School District 90
River Forest Park District
River Forest Public Library
River Forest Township
River Forest Community Center
River Forest School District 200
Still looking for more River Forest info? Click below.
River Forest Community Calendar – RFHappenings.com
Village of River Forest
River Forest School District 90
OPRF High School District 200
River Forest Park District
River Forest Public Library
River Forest Township