A Special E-News Message from the Village President, Catherine M. Adduci
September 10, 2020
Dear River Forest Residents,
COVID-19 Update
Thank you to the entire River Forest community for continuing to support efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19. Please continue to wear face coverings, practice social distancing and wash your hands so River Forest can play, work, learn, shop, and live safely.
Although our 14 day trend has decreased as of August 30, our overall trend from July to August has increased from prior months. Click here and select “Case Data by Town” to see an update on the cases in River Forest.
We urge all residents to continue to take responsibility for keeping everyone in our community safe. Governor Pritzker’s Executive Order for face coverings and social distancing are still in place! Remember that your compliance with these rules are not only to protect you, but everyone around you including those who may have underlying health conditions.

Visit vrf.us/virus for information and resources related to COVID-19. Click here for a list of testing locations throughout the State. Residents are encouraged to contact their primary physicians to coordinate testing needs.
The annual 9/11 Charity “LemonAid” Stand event will be held virtually this year, with a drive-through collection only station on the 700 block of Bonnie Brae tomorrow, September 11 from 4:30PM - 6PM. To facilitate the collection stand, traffic will be one way southbound on Bonnie Brae from Chicago to Oak, and right turn only onto Oak for the duration of the event. All proceeds will be donated to the Oak Park River Forest Community Foundation. Click here for more information and to donate online.
September 11 Memorial Ceremony
The River Forest Police Department will host a brief ceremony tomorrow, September 11, 2020 at 8:40am in front of Village Hall (400 Park Avenue), to remember the events that occurred nineteen years ago in which thousands of citizens' lives were taken in terrorist attacks that have changed the world forever. First responders, including 343 New York Fire Department firefighters, 37 police officers of the Port Authority Police Department, 23 New York City Police Department police officers, 8 private EMT’s and paramedics, and 1 patrolman from the New York Fire Patrol were among the victims of this catastrophic event in our Nation’s history.
On-Duty public safety personnel will assemble for the ceremony at 8:40am. Appropriate face coverings shall be worn and social distancing shall be observed.
Keystone Closure from Lake to Hawthorne
Starting Friday, September 11, the southbound lane of Keystone Avenue (from Lake to Hawthorne) will be closed to traffic for approximately 7-10 days due to water main installation. Tomorrow, work will be taking place at the intersection of Keystone and Hawthorne near the viaduct, which will also cause a closure for westbound Hawthorne Avenue (for one day only). This work will be followed by water main installation between Lake Street and the viaduct the following week.
Please click here for the detour map. Additional work will also be taking place on Franklin Avenue, between Central and Hawthorne starting the week of 9/14. Associated closures/detours will be installed and removed as the work progresses and the Village will continue to provide updates accordingly. Please check the Village’s Construction Page here for additional project updates.
Traffic and Safety Commission Meeting
The Village’s Traffic and Safety Commission will meet on Wednesday, September 16 at 7:30PM to discuss the Village’s Safe Walking Routes to Schools Project, which was approved and implemented in 2019. The discussion may include locations where additional improvements could be made or those locations where the Village may wish to remove measures that were implemented as part of this project. The agenda will also include a discussion centered on the development at Chicago Ave and Harlem Ave (The Sheridan). As was required at the time of Board Approval, the Traffic and Safety Commission will have a discussion to assess any requested measures relating to on-street parking and/or traffic in the vicinity of the development. Click here for the agenda materials and Zoom link.
River Forest Train Station Platform Improvements
Though initially delayed, Union Pacific Railroad has begun River Forest Train Station platform improvements. During the initial stage of the project, the western half of the station's inbound (north) platform will be closed. During this time, Metra customers will be able to access the north platform from the eastern stairs. When the western portion of the platform is complete, work will transition to the eastern half and customers will need to use the western stairs to access the platform. Signage will be posted throughout the project to direct customers to the correct staircase. Customers are asked to follow the posted detour signs, be aware of the crews working in the area and all extra time to walk from their parking spots to the platform during construction.
For more information on the project, please visit Metra’s website.
Village Spotlight: Trustee Bachner Leads Village 2020 Census Efforts
I want to take a moment to thank Trustee Erika Bachner for all her hard work this past year on the 2020 Census. From her tireless efforts forming and chairing the Complete Count Committee, to hosting numerous events to engage with traditionally undercounted populations, and leading the monumental task of communicating the importance of the Census for all our residents has led to a self response rate of 82.9% for River Forest. Thank you Trustee Bachner!
You still have time to Be Counted! The Census is safe and secure, quick and easy, and matters for our community. If you haven’t filled out your census response yet or you know someone who might not have filled out the census, there’s still time to do so online, by phone or by mail. The deadline to respond may be September 30, so respond today!
Please take a moment tomorrow to remember the September 11, 2001 tragedy and honor those who lost their lives and their loved ones.

Catherine M. Adduci, Village President
Village of River Forest
Village of River Forest
River Forest School District 90
River Forest Park District
River Forest Public Library
River Forest Township
River Forest Community Center
River Forest School District 200
Still looking for more River Forest info? Click below.
River Forest Community Calendar – RFHappenings.com
Village of River Forest
River Forest School District 90
OPRF High School District 200
River Forest Park District
River Forest Public Library
River Forest Township