A Special E-News Message from the Village President, Catherine Adduci
May 15, 2020
Dear River Forest Residents,
Emergency Alert Sign-Up
Please CLICK HERE and help us reach all of River Forest by signing up for our emergency alerts and e-newsletters.
Shop Safe. Shop River Forest.
As the Village is committed to slowly opening up our businesses successfully and safely, the Village’s Economic Development Commission organized the production of a video series to promote local businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic - Shop Safe. Shop River Forest. These videos will help communicate that our businesses and owners are taking every precaution to ensure you can patronize their business in the safest way possible. In the second and third videos of the series, we added a personal touch by meeting some of our businesses. Look out for more videos!

Forest Leaves Feature Story on River Forest Businesses
Thanks to the Forest Leaves for featuring our businesses and the help they are being provided. It is a great article that lets the community know how we are all working together. If you have not yet seen it, click here and give it a read!
Restore Illinois
The State of Illinois continues to provide information regarding Governor Pritzker’s reopening plan, “Restore Illinois: A Public Health Approach To Safely Reopen Our State”. The image below is updated daily by the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) and includes charts that track our progress. The chart shows as of May 14, the Northeast Region (includes River Forest) has all metrics pointing to Phase 3 which will allow us to open more businesses, hopefully by May 29. Click on the image below or go to Restore Illinois updates from the IDPH.

Stay at Home Order & Face Coverings
Please remember:
- Governor Pritzker’s stay at home order remains in effect until May 30, 2020.
- Face coverings or masks are required throughout the State when in a public area where you cannot maintain a six foot distance from one another, including grocery stores. Please click here for more information on the face covering requirement.
If you are in need of a face covering and unable to make your own or a senior or an older adult in need of additional services, such as grocery shopping or pharmacy pick up, then please call our River Forest COVID19 Senior Response Team at 708-613-1642.
Waste Disposal
Residents are asked to review the following information regarding waste disposal. Please do your part to keep River Forest clean and beautiful by taking a moment to dispose of your garbage safely and properly.
- Watch this video about the importance of recycling properly.
- Please do not flush anything other than toilet paper down the toilet - anything other than toilet paper clogs sewer lines and could lead to sewer backups.
- Please dispose of latex gloves and disposable face masks appropriately, by placing items directly into the garbage. They cannot be put in the recycling bin at home.
For residents with refuse collected by Roy Strom Collection Company and billed by the Village, please click here and visit our website for what is allowable for pickup while we are under the Stay at Home order. Yard waste collection has begun.
Crime Prevention Reminders

The River Forest Police Department would like to remind residents to secure their property and take advantage of existing security measures such as using exterior lighting, leaving lights on inside, locking doors (cars, garage, house), and activating alarm systems. Be vigilant and call the police if you see or hear anything suspicious.
Vehicle, Bicycle, and Pedestrian Safety
As the weather gets nicer, more people will be exercising outdoors. Please take a moment to review these safety reminders:
- Helmets: Any person on a bike, skateboard, roller skates, scooters, etc are REQUIRED to wear a helmet. It can save your life.
- Drivers: Please obey all speed limits and stop signs, slow down, and make sure to share the road with runners and bicyclists.
- Walkers: Please use caution when crossing intersections and please do not walk in the street.
- Runners: Please use caution and make way for cars. Please wear reflective gear.
- Bicyclists: Cyclists must obey the same “Rules of the Road” as motor vehicles:
- Proper lane usage and obeying traffic signals.
- Must stay to the right and no more than 2 riders abreast.
- At least one hand must be on handlebars and when riding at night, bikes must have white light on front and red reflector on rear.
- For more information on bicycling in River Forest, please click here.
Please remember to register your bike with our new no contact online registration. Click here to fill out the form. Registration is free and easy. Don’t wait or delay to keep your bike as safe as possible.
Contractor Licensing and Permits
Residents are reminded that all contractors performing work in River Forest must be licensed and bonded. For more information including a list of requirements and a list of contractors currently licensed, please click here. Additionally, please remember that for the protection of the property owner, neighbors and the Village, property owners are required to apply for permits prior to the commencement of work. If a permit is not obtained, the work will be stopped until a permit is issued, a surcharge will be added to the cost of the permit, and any work performed without a permit may be subject to removal. Please click here for a list of work that requires a permit.
Plan Commission Meeting - May 20
The Plan Commission will hold a virtual meeting on Wednesday, May 20. The Commission will review the draft Affordable Housing Study, which is now available for review. Residents are encouraged to review the draft, submit comments, and listen to the virtual meeting.
Traffic & Safety Commission Meeting - May 20
The Traffic and Safety Commission will hold a virtual meeting on Wednesday, May 20. The Commission will review the draft Commuter Parking Study, which is now available for review. Residents are encouraged to review the draft report, submit comments, and listen to the virtual meeting.
National Police Week
National Police Week, May 10-16, gave Fenwick High school an opportunity to recognize 30 alumni who are police officers including our very own Police Chief, Jim O’Shea, who graduated from Fenwick in 1985. Please join me in thanking Chief O’Shea and our entire Police Department for the service they provide to our community.
Special Thank You
Throughout this entire pandemic, volunteers in River Forest and our surrounding communities have stepped up to help each other including our River Forest COVID19 Senior Response Team led by resident Helen Kwan. I want to extend my sincerest gratitude and appreciation, especially to the staff at McCarthy Eye Center in Oak Park for making face shields, and the ongoing mask contributions of the Alvarado family in Melrose Park - Marta, Anita, Camille and Manuel. We are grateful for your dedication and hard work!
Other Resources
For more information on COVID-19 related matters, please visit these resources.
Have a wonderful weekend and please stay healthy.

Catherine Adduci, Village President
Village of River Forest
Village of River Forest
River Forest School District 90
River Forest Park District
River Forest Public Library
River Forest Township
River Forest Community Center
River Forest School District 200
Still looking for more River Forest info? Click below.
River Forest Community Calendar – RFHappenings.com
Village of River Forest
River Forest School District 90
OPRF High School District 200
River Forest Park District
River Forest Public Library
River Forest Township