A Special E-News Message about Earth Day, Earth Week, and Arbor Day

April, 21, 2020

A Special E-News Message about Earth Day, Earth Week, and Arbor Day

April 21, 2020

Dear River Forest Residents,

Even during the Stay at Home order, River Forest residents can participate in many fun activities to learn about, support, and celebrate Earth Day (Wednesday April 22), Earth Week (April 19-April 25) and Arbor Day (April 24). Take a look below for something fun to do and celebrate with us!

Home Composting

Now more than ever, River Forest residents are cooking and eating meals at home. This makes it a great time to begin diverting your organic waste and composting! Start a backyard compost or sign up for the Village’s Curbside Program that also includes yard waste. Click here to read more about composting or check out this podcast.

Sustainable Gardening

One Earth Film Festival

The One Earth Film Festival is happening now - virtually! Check out the Virtual Mini Film Fest - including screenings and virtual conversations. Or, learn where to toss your refuse and play the fun “Tossed” waste and recycling video quiz.

Identify Your Parkway Trees

Learn about the trees on your parkway, visit the River Forest Tree Map and find the species. Then, use chalk to label them on the sidewalk or make a small sign to put near the tree.

Online Learning Resources


Read about sustainability, the environment, and climate change. Here are a few places to get started:

  • “Nature’s Best Hope: A New Approach to Conservation That Starts in Your Yard” by Douglas W. Tallamy 
  • “The Death and Life of the Great Lakes” by Dan Egan
  • “Uninhabitable Earth” by David Wallace Wells
  • “The Overstory” by Richard Powers 
  • “We Are the Weather” by Jonathan Safran Foer
  • “Silent Spring” by Rachel Carson
  • “Drawdown” edited by Paul Hawken
  • “Braiding Sweetgrass” by Robin Wall Kimmerer
  • “The Hidden Life of Trees” by Peter Wohlleben
  • “The Lorax” by Dr. Seuss
  • “The Last Child in the Woods” by Richard Louv

Scavenger Hunt

Doing some outdoor exercising during the Stay at Home order? Complete the Earth Day scavenger hunt! How many can you find on your walk around the neighborhood or in your own yard? Make sure to social distance - do not gather or walk in groups.

Tree City USA

The Village of River Forest has been a Tree City USA Community since 1998. The National Arbor Day Foundation has named River Forest a Tree City USA community based on the following standards: having a forestry division, a tree care ordinance, a comprehensive community forestry program, and an Arbor Day observance.


The Village of River Forest is a SolSmart Bronze designated community. SolSmart is a program that trains communities to make it simpler to participate in renewable energy.  Part of this designation process included creating an online permitting checklist, ensuring that the rooftop solar permitting process is faster and solar projects are easier to install. Learn more about solar permits here.

Recycling and Refuse

Please do your part to keep River Forest clean and beautiful by taking a moment to dispose of your garbage safely and properly.

  • Please do not flush wipes or paper towels down the toilet. These materials clog sewer lines and could lead to backups.
  • Please dispose of medical equipment appropriately, by placing items directly into the garbage. Maintenance workers, particularly at shopping centers, are exposed unnecessarily when having to clean up medical litter.
  • Please remember that personal protective equipment such as plastic gloves, masks, and medical tubing cannot be put in the recycling bin at home.
  • Make sure you know what is recyclable. Check here.

Village Sustainability Programs

Check out all of the Village’s Sustainability Programs, led by the Village’s Sustainability Commission.

Other Resources and Local Nature Advocates

Please, remember to celebrate Earth Day, Earth Week, and Arbor Day responsibly while continuing to follow all guidance and best practices to help slow the spread of COVID-19. For more on COVID-19, please go to vrf.us/Virus



Catherine Adduci, Village President

Village of River Forest

Village of River Forest


River Forest School District 90


River Forest Park District


River Forest Public Library


River Forest Township


River Forest Community Center


River Forest School District 200



Still looking for more River Forest info? Click below.

River Forest Community Calendar – RFHappenings.com

Village of River Forest

River Forest School District 90

OPRF High School District 200

River Forest Park District

River Forest Public Library

River Forest Township