Please see below for a Special E-News Message Regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19).
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March 25, 2020
A Special E-News Message from the Village President, Catherine Adduci
Dear River Forest Residents,
Yesterday, in my capacity as Village President, I signed Executive Order 20-02 which addresses the common sense actions the Village needs to take to help our residents, our businesses, and the community at large as we continue to deal with COVID-19 issues and the fall out that it might create for all of us. I want to thank our Village Board, our Village Staff, our other River Forest elected officials, our healthcare providers, our first responders, our volunteers and everyone involved in working together to ensure the health and safety of our community. Below is the detail of that Executive Order.
Executive Order 20-02
In order to help Village residents, businesses and the community at large deal with the significant negative financial repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic, the following is effective immediately. The Relief Period is until May 31, 2020 unless otherwise stated.
1. Utility, Water, Refuse and Collections.
- Service disconnections for Village water service and refuse service under Titles 5 and 6 of the Village of River Forest Village Code (“Village Code”) are suspended through May 31, 2020 (“Relief Period”), including because of noncompliance with the reduced pressure zone, also known as “RPZ,” backflow program.
- Late fees for late payments and non-payments for Village water service and refuse service under Titles 5 and 6 of the Village Code are suspended through the Relief Period.
- Security deposits required to be deposited with the Village to establish new residential water service accounts under Titles 5 and 6 of the Village Code may be deferred by Village staff through the Relief Period, if the new customer demonstrates financial hardship.
- Water meter replacements are suspended through the Relief Period unless an emergency replacement is needed. Water main repairs and any other repairs to the Village’s water system shall be performed when directed by the Village Administrator.
- For residents with refuse collected by Roy Strom Collection Company and billed by the Village, any refuse items that exceed the allowable capacity that are placed in a garbage bag will be picked up and not require a “yellow tag” for pickup during the Relief Period. All items must be placed in a bag and no loose items will be picked up.
- Ambulance bills issued through the Relief Period under Title 7 of the Village Code shall be due sixty (60) after being issued, instead of thirty (30) days.
- Collection of ambulance bills and judgments on Village ordinance violations, including automated traffic law enforcement system violation judgments, also known as red light camera fines, is suspended through the Relief Period.
2. Business Registration and Licenses.
Business license and business registration issuance and renewal payments under Title 3 of the Village Code shall not be due until June 30, 2020.
3. Parking.
- The daily parking fee at the Village’s commuter parking lots, of Five and No/100 Dollars ($5.00), under Title 9 of the Village Code is suspended through the Relief Period.
- Monthly parking permit fees, whether for commuter, overnight or twenty-four (24) hour passes, under Title 9 of the Village Code are suspended through the Relief Period.
- Overnight parking waivers under Title 9 of the Village Code may be granted for up to thirty (30) day time periods, instead of three (3) days, through the Relief Period.
4. Places of Eating Tax.
Payment of the Village’s places of eating tax under Title 3 of the Village Code shall not be due until June 20, 2020, for the period of March 23, 2020 through the Relief Period.
5. Building Department.
- Emergency repairs to residential water systems and residential sewers systems may be completed without Village-issued permits and Village issued contractor’s licenses under Title 4 of the Village Code, so long as a permit and license is obtained, and paid for, after-the-fact within five (5) business days of an emergency repair, through the Relief Period. Inspections for such repairs are still required.
- Building permit expiration dates under Title 4 of the Village Code may be extended for ninety (90) days, upon request of the permit holder, and the fees for extensions are suspended, through the Relief Period.
- Zoning variation expiration dates under Title 10 of the Village Code may be extended for ninety (90) days, upon request of the variation holder, through the Relief Period.
- Planned development permit expiration dates under Title 10 of the Village Code may be extended, upon request for the planned development permit holder, as determined by the Village Administrator on a case-by-case basis, through the Relief Period.
- Permit requirements for temporary signs under Title 10 of the Village Code are suspended to allow businesses to advertise services available, and the fees for temporary sign permits are suspended, through the Relief Period.
6. Peddlers, Police Department Tickets and Administrative Adjudication.
- Peddlers’ and solicitors’ licenses issued by the Village under Title 3 of the Village Code are temporarily revoked, to slow down person-to-person contact in the Village, through the Relief Period. Peddlers and solicitors are encouraged to use alternative means to communicate with Village residents and businesses, such as by telephone, postal mail, e-mail and digital social media.
- Administrative adjudication of automated traffic law enforcement system violations, also known as red light camera tickets, set to be heard on March 25, 2020 and April 22, 2020 are continued to May 27, 2020. No additional fees or penalties under Titles 8 or 9 of the Village Code shall be assessed on the violations due to this continuance.
- Administrative adjudication of Village ordinance violations set to be heard on April 6, 2020 and May 4, 2020 are continued to June 1, 2020. No additional fees or penalties under Titles 8 or 9 of the Village Code shall be assessed on the violations due to this continuance.
To read Executive Order 20-02 in its entirety, please click here. Please continue to visit for the latest information.

Catherine Adduci, Village President
Village of River Forest
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