Winter Storm Updates

November, 26, 2018

As Public Works crews finish plowing and salting roads, please review the information below for further updates.

Storm Debris

Downed tree limbs can be placed near the curb for pickup. Please ensure that they are not placed in the street and do not impede motorists or pedestrians. Public Works crews will conduct pickups as soon as possible after streets are cleared.

Power Outages

ComEd is aware of power outages in the area and working diligently to fix them. Known outages can be viewed on ComEd’s outage map at For more information from ComEd, residents are encouraged to visit, or find ComEd on Twitter and Facebook. If you see downed power lines, leave the area immediately and then call ComEd at 1-800-Edison-1 (1-800-334-7661).

To report outages or downed wires:

  • Use the online form at to report or to check if your outage has been reported
  • Text OUT to 26633 (COMED) if you've already subscribed to Outage Alerts
  • Download the free ComEd Mobile App (for iPhone® and Android™® smartphones)
  • Log onto the Facebook Outage App
  • Call 1-800-EDISON-1. (During storms call centers may experience high wait times)

Stay Safe:

  • Continue listening to local news or radio for updated information and instructions
  • Avoid overexertion when shoveling heavy snow, as this can be a leading cause of death during the winter
  • Check on your animals and ensure that their access to food and water is unimpeded by drifted snow, ice, or other obstacles
  • If you are using a portable generator, take precautions against carbon monoxide poisoning, electrocution, and fire