The Village Board has approved a contract with Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. (CBBEL) to complete a Stormwater Master Plan. The main goal of this plan will be to identify areas of need related to the Village’s sewer system as well and to establish future improvement projects that will help address those needs.
Project Updates:
- 7/17/23 - A third neighborhood meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 1st. This meeting will walk through the presentation from the March 14th Board Meeting in an effort to gather resident feedback. This information will be shared with the Village Board at a future date to help inform them relative to the resident input received.
- 3/14/23 - A copy of the Stormwater Master Plan slides from the 3/13/23 Village Board Presentation can be found here.
- 3/9/23 - With the completion of sewer modeling and calibration efforts, CBBEL Staff has been able to provide an assessment of the existing sewer network. They have also identified associated projects that would allow the Village to improve upon the capacity of the existing sewer network. These conceptual projects and a general project update will be presented to the Village Board at their upcoming meeting on March 13, 2023.
- 8/24/22 - Thanks to the extension of the monitoring period, a few summer rain events helped calibrate the model to a point that the rest of the project is able to continue. At this time, the consultant is working on identification of project sites/options to determine what level of flood protection can be achieved based on the project sites available to the Village. A presentation at a future Board meeting is anticipated once the conceptual projects have been identified.
- 6/27/22 - Due to insufficient rainfall data that was collected, the Project Team decided to extend the monitoring period. This will enable the project to more accurately represent the behavior of sewers during heavy rain events. The extended data collection will be complete within the next week, along with final model calibration. CIP project development will take place throughout the remainder of summer with a presentation to the Village Board scheduled for this fall.
- 12/1/21 - Sewer flow monitors have been installed in designated (representative) sewers throughout the Village for several months now. They collect flow information that corresponds to rain events and the project team uses this information to develop a model that represents how the Village's sewers react during rain events. This data collection is now complete and the model will now be calibrated to ensure that it is as accurate as possible. This stage of work is expected to take 6-8 weeks. Once the model is calibrated and a desired "level of protection" is established, the project team will begin to identify potential CIP projects that can be implemented to help address the identified issues.
- 6/25/21 - Resident meetings were held earlier this week to solicit resident input regarding flooding. In addition to these meetings, a questionnaire is also available as a means to provide additional feedback to Staff. All emails and questionnaires submitted will be shared with the consultant for consideration within the study.
- 6/18/21 - Resident meetings will be held on Tuesday, June 22nd and Thursday, June 24th in an effort to hear from residents regarding existing (or future) concerns related to stormwater and flooding. Both meetings will be held at 7:00 pm in the Community Room at Village Hall. If you are unable to attend either of these meetings, additional feedback can always be provided to Village Staff for consideration and discussion with the project team throught the course of the project.
- 5/20/21 – A kick-off meeting was held with CBBEL Staff to discuss project schedule, data collection and next steps. Neighborhood meetings to collect resident input will be advertised and held in the near future.
- 5/10/21 – At the Special Village Board of Trustees meeting, Trustees awarded the contract of this project to Christopher Burke Engineering (CBBEL).