The Village heard increased concerns about commuter parking congestion throughout the Village, as well as concerns about limited parking availability in the Metra Station lots. In response to this, the Village conducted a Commuter Parking Study and requested input from residents, businesses, commuters, and university students via survey.
A report was finalized and approved by the Village Board of Trustees.
Click here to view the final report.
Project Updates:
- 7/13/20 - At the Village Board of Trustees meeting, Trustees approved an ordinance with a 4-2 vote putting the Parking Study changes into effect. Those residents that will be impacted by one of the approved parking changes will be receiving a notification postcard from the Village. The following exhibits have been created to provide a quick overview of the changes that will be made, based on the Zone of Study indicated in the Commuter Parking Study:
Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3A Zone 3B Zone 4A Zone 4B
- 5/26/20 - At the Village Board of Trustees meeting, Trustees approved the final report with a 5-1 vote. The action items of the final study will be implemented in the coming months.
- 5/20/20 - The Traffic and Safety Commission considered and recommended approval of the draft report, with modifications.
- 5/13/20 - The consultant, KLOA, completed a draft report.
- 1/8/20 - The public survey closed. There were a total of 348 responses which were shared with KLOA for incorporation into the overall study and recommendations. Next steps include a meeting between KLOA and Village Staff to review the preliminary findings and to start establishing general recommendations.
- 12/5/20 - The Village launched the public survey.
- 10/28/19 - At the Village Board of Trustees meeting, Trustees awarded the bid and contract of this project to KLOA Engineering.
- 9/11/19 - Village staff issued a Request for Proposals for traffic engineering services to complete the 2019 Commuter Parking Study. Proposals are due October 2, 2020.
- 5/28/19 - At the Village Board of Trustees meeting, Trustees discussed the topic of a comprehensive parking plan and directed staff to further look into this issue.