Pet licenses

River Forest requires that dogs and cats be registered with the Village.

Tags can be purchased for $10 at Village Hall and are valid from May 1st to April 30th each year.

All dogs and cats must have a current rabies vaccination. Please bring in documentation of the current vaccination, which should be provided to you by your veterinarian. If your pet is under 4 months old, and/or too young to receive the rabies vaccination, please wait until the vaccine has been administered to apply for a pet license. Click here for information about the Cook County Animal and Rabies Control Low-Cost Rabies Vaccine Clinics.

If a lost or stray dog is found wearing a River Forest dog tag, the Police Department will attempt to return the dog to your residence.  If ownership cannot be determined, stray or lost dogs found on the streets of River Forest are taken to the Animal Care League in Oak Park.  Contact the River Forest Police Department non-emergency number 708-366-7125 to report a lost dog.  An officer can help determine ownership through dog tags and by a recently reported lost dog list in the dispatch center.

If your dog utilizes the parks and parkways, please be courteous and clean up after your pet. Your assistance in keeping the Village's parkways clean and free from debris is greatly appreciated.

To pay in person, click here to download the Pet License Application

To pay online, click here and navigate to Licenses



Contact Administration & Finance

  • (708) 366-8500
  • 400 Park Avenue
    River Forest, IL 60305
    Get directions
  • Mon-Fri: 8:00am-4:30pm