Freedom of Information Act Request

Any person requesting access to information as permitted under The Freedom of Information Act (House Bill 234, P.A. 83-1013) should follow the steps below:

  1. Submit a request form, being as specific as possible with regard to the information you seek:

  2. Return the completed form to Village board by mail, email or in person, Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

  3. Within 5 business days of receipt of the request (21 days for commercial requests), the Village will indicate in writing its response to the request. The Village will respond in one of the four following manners:

    • Inform you of when the information may be inspected or how a copy may be obtained

    • Indicate that additional time to fulfill the request is needed, factors prompting the delay and when the response will be forthcoming

    • Deny the request, stating reasons for the denial

    • Failure to respond by the Village within 10 days is deemed a denial

  4. You have the right to appeal any decision to deny access to records. Appeals must be submitted in writing to: Village Administrator, 400 Park Avenue, River Forest, IL 60305

  5. If the Village Administrator upholds the decision to deny access, or does not respond within 5 days, you may file suit in circuit court for injunctive or declaratory relief.

Copies of requested public records in black and white, legal or letter size are free for the first 50 pages. Beyond 50 pages, the Village will charge $0.10 a page for letter and $0.25 a page for other sizes. Commercial FOIA requesters are subject to the same reproduction fees as public requesters.

You may also submit a Freedom of Information Request via email. For general requests, click here, or for Police-related requests, click here


Contact Administration & Finance

  • (708) 366-8500
  • 400 Park Avenue
    River Forest, IL 60305
    Get directions
  • Mon-Fri: 8:00am-4:30pm