Special amusement or event

For events in which fifty (50) or more individuals will gather and/or events in which Village resources/property are reasonably expected to be affected, a special events permit is required.

Please note that new permit applications and contractor licenses must be applied for online at riverforest.onlama.com.

Need help applying online? Registering as a new user?

Click here and navigate to "Other Permits" for the application form.

Special Amusements

Permits are required for Special Amusement events such as Haunted Houses, Mobile Food Truck Rallies and other similar type events in which the public is invited. These types of events pose a greater risk to public safety and therefore require a permit from the River Forest Fire Department. 

Special Events

Interested permit applicants must first complete and submit a Village Special Events Application, which can be found below.  For additional information, applicants are encouraged to review the Village's Special Events Ordinance, which can also be found below.

This application can be printed and submitted to the Village for review.Special Events Ordinance


Contact Fire Department

  • 911 (emergency)
    (708) 366-7629 (non-emergency)
  • 400 Park Avenue
    River Forest, IL 60305
    Get directions
  • Mon-Fri: 8:00am-4:30pm