Hot work & welding permit

Permits are required for Hot Work operations that include but are not limited to cutting, welding, grinding and the installation of torch-applied roof systems or similar activity.

Please note that new permit applications and contractor licenses must be applied for online at

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Hot Work

Bituminous roofing systems that use membranes that are adhered by heating with a torch and melting asphalt back coating require a permit. In accordance with the International Fire Code, a Fire Watch is required during all Hot Work and shall continue for a minimum of 30 minutes after the conclusion of the work. 

This application is a fillable PDF and can be printed and submitted to the Village for review.
Hot work & welding permit


Contact Fire Department

  • 911 (emergency)
    (708) 366-7629 (non-emergency)
  • 400 Park Avenue
    River Forest, IL 60305
    Get directions
  • Mon-Fri: 8:00am-4:30pm