Grading permit

A Grading Permit is required for any proposed change in grading. The ordinance, which was adopted in 2012, requires that these changes be designed by a Licensed Professional Engineer and completed in a manner that does not adversely impact any neighboring property or the public right-of-way. A copy of the current Grading Permit Ordinance (Title 4, Chapter 17) can be viewed here

Please note that new permit applications and contractor licenses must be applied for online at

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Click here and navigate to "Engineering Permits" for the application form.

Accordingly, most land disturbing activities require a grading permit with the following essential components:

  • $50 permit fee + pass-through costs for Village-hired engineer to review the grading plan
  • Notification of project to neighbors
  • Signed affidavit confirming notification to neighbors
  • Topographic survey (as determined by Village Engineer)
  • Site grading plan completed by a professional engineer (as determined by Village Engineer)
  • Stormwater management plan to control run-off (as determined by Village Engineer)
  • Inspections during construction (as determined by Village Engineer)
  • As-built survey upon completion of the project (as determined by Village Engineer)

Note: There is not a separate application for a grading permit. The permit requirement and approval will be marked on the general permitting application.

Projects that require a grading permit include but are not limited to:

  • Construction of new homes or buildings;
  • Addition to an existing structure that changes 10% or more of the existing structure’s footprint;
  • Garages or auxiliary structures that change 10% or more of the existing structure’s footprint;
  • In-ground or above-ground swimming pools;
  • Patios, driveways or other impervious surfaces including sidewalks and parking lots (surfaces constructed with pervious materials are exempt);
  • Landscaping that changes the grade of the site such that existing drainage flows will be altered;
  • Any project that includes the creation of a foundation;
  • Land disturbing activity proposed within a floodway or floodplain as established by FEMA;
  • Any land disturbing activity that equals 25% of the lot or one acre in area, whichever is less;
  • Demolition of any building or structure.

Work hours in the Village of River Forest:

  • 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. - Monday through Friday
  • 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. - Saturdays
  • No work on Sundays, New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving or Christmas


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