Bonfire permit application

A permit is required for an outdoor fire on the ground. Such fires must be at least 50' from a structure and 25' from other combustible materials. Size is limited to a 5' x 5' base and 5' in height.

Permits are not required for residential, recreational fires that are used for cooking or warmth in an approved container (generally commercially designed and manufactured). Fire size is limited by the size of the container to less than 3' in diameter and 2' in height. Approved containers must be located a minimum of 15' from a structure or combustible materials.

This application is a fillable PDF and can be printed and submitted to the Village.

Bonfire permit application


Contact Fire Department

  • 911 (emergency)
    (708) 366-7629 (non-emergency)
  • 400 Park Avenue
    River Forest, IL 60305
    Get directions
  • Mon-Fri: 8:00am-4:30pm