Public Meeting Room Reservations

Village meeting rooms may be open for use by organizations not affiliated with the Village on a limited basis, subject to the conditions, restriction and limitations set forth in the below Village Public Meeting Room Use policy. The Village has a limited number of meeting spaces available for use at the Village Hall that generally are not available to the public.

The below policy shall be utilized for the use of these meeting spaces at Village facilities, pursuant to the conditions described throughout. Organizations wishing to reserve a public meeting room at Village Hall should click below, review the policy, and complete the form on the last page. Completed reservation forms can be submitted in person or mailed to Village Hall, or emailed to

Public Meeting Room Use Policy and Reservation Form 


Contact Administration & Finance

  • (708) 366-8500
  • 400 Park Avenue
    River Forest, IL 60305
    Get directions
  • Mon-Fri: 8:00am-4:30pm