Sort it out waste stations

The Village has made available waste-sorting stations for loan at special events and block parties.  

Waste stations are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please submit your request at least 5 days in advance of your requested date.

Stations consist of 3 metal frames and 3 plastic covers with instructions.  Village Public Works personnel drop off the stations on the resident's porch or neard the back door. Please wipe the inside and outside of the covers after use, as a courtesy to the next user.

For pick up, stations used for block parties are to be placed on the resident's porch or near the back door on the date the barricades are scheduled to be picked up by Public Works. Stations used for special events are to be returned to the Public Works Facility (45 Forest Ave) on the first weekday after the event has taken place. Please do not leave stations in the parkway or near the curb as they may be mistaken for garbage and are occasionally stolen as scrap metal. 

All waste/recycling/compost collected during the event should be placed in the appropriate collection carts (refuse, recycling or compost) and will need to be discarded as part of your regular weekly pick-up.

In the event the stations are not returned or are returned damaged, a fee of up to $250 per station may be issued to cover the cost of repairing or replacing each missing/damaged station.

By requesting a station and receiving the associated permit, you agree to the terms of this program. 

Click here for Waste Sorting Guides


Contact Administration & Finance

  • (708) 366-8500
  • 400 Park Avenue
    River Forest, IL 60305
    Get directions
  • Mon-Fri: 8:00am-4:30pm