Using Technology to Provide Services to People Living with Dementia and Their Caregivers during COVID-19

Monday, November 2, 2020, 1 pm


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In an effort to maintain the provision of services and supports to people living with dementia and their caregivers during the COVID-19 pandemic, some organizations pivoted in person programs to virtual formats. This webinar will provide two examples of programs that used technology to provide continuity of services to their clients. Wisconsin’s United Community Center’s (UCC) Mobile Memory Clinic adopted HIPAA compliant telemedicine platforms to complete client assessments. Taking appropriate precautions with personal protective equipment, program staff deliver sanitized computers and Wi-Fi hotspot units to clients’ homes and complete the assessment process remotely in real time with the client and caregiver. Houston’s Amazing Place implemented the evidence-based Savvy Caregiver program, an in-person intervention, prior to COVID-19. Staff developed protocols focused on program fidelity as they shifted to an online platform where caregivers could continue to benefit from the intervention.

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