Webinar: Internet Providers in River Forest
August 19, 2020, 6–6:30 pm
The webinar can be accessed by phone or video conference here: Dial 312-626-6799, Webinar ID: 820 3511 7185 or click here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82035117185.
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Please join the Village of River Forest for a brief webinar detailing the services of internet utility providers on Wednesday, August 19, from 6PM-6:30PM. The Village will host both Comcast Xfinity and AT&T representatives for a presentation on their offerings to River Forest residents. The Village of River Forest does not endorse any or either provider, and is hosting this webinar as a service to residents due to the anticipated need to continue to work and learn safely from home. Any decision to purchase services from either company is the sole decision and responsibility of the customer. The providers will be asked to review information on the infrastructure and internet speeds available to River Forest to residents.
The webinar can be accessed by phone or video conference here: Dial 312-626-6799, Webinar ID: 820 3511 7185 or click here.
The webinar will be recorded and made available to residents on the Village’s website after the conclusion.
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