Administration & Finance

Community Engagement

Neighborhood Dialogues

The Neighborhood Dialogues began in the summer of 2024 with the goal of engaging directly with residents in their own spaces. Promoted through the Village's weekly and monthly e-newsletters (subscribe here if you haven't already), these gatherings were hosted by residents who invited a small group of friends and neighbors to discuss economic development in the Village, particularly focusing on the village-owned properties on Madison Street. Each session was attended by a Village staff member and a consultant from Jasculca Terman to guide the discussion and take notes, which served as the foundation for the final report. 

Over four months, seven Dialogues were held throughout the Village. The conversations were generally positive and productive, centering on topics such as traffic, parking, and landscaping around the proposed development area. The documents linked below include individual meeting notes and a summary of key findings as determined by the Jasculca Terman team. 

Neighborhood Dialogue Memorandum - Key Findings

Neighborhood Dialogue Meeting Notes - All Meetings Combined

The Village extends its gratitude to everyone who participated in this meaningful community engagement effort. Building on the success of these Dialogues, the Village Board plans to organize similar events in the future, facilitated by Village staff, to continue fostering strong relationships and valuable conversations with community members.